(Misc.) Miscellaneous post


1 I should really rename myself “The Impatient Gardener,” seeing as how I’m extremely impatient in waiting for my plants to do anything. Heh;

2 Dug up two more raspberry suckers. One has roots; the other doesn’t. I’ve placed both in fruiting hydroponics solution and see if it helps them acclimatize or grow (more) roots:

(Harvesting) Raspberry heritage


Second bunch of fruits. Second harvest. =D So fun to pluck and pop into my mouth. =D Slightly sour, but not tart. Almost just the way I like my berries to be. =3


"After" - Hm...I'm trying to spot the white pits left after I'd pulled the berries off. 😛

(Raspberry) Harvesting


For Curiousgardener, who wanted to see pictures of the harvested raspberry fruits. =3

(These two were for my partner, lol)

Had to get to them before the birds got to them. 😛

(Propagation and harvesting) Raspberry


I wanted to title this post “Raspberry HEE” but thought it a bit too hyper.

The three raspberry cuttings I’d taken a few days ago have gone limp. Well, the two in my room (and which I’d semi-sealed up in plastic bags) have gone pretty limp and some leaves had wilted; the one in my balcony which is in shade just has tender leaves with the slightest bit of wilt.

Worried, I’d gone to the garden, intending to dig up the oldest newly-formed sucker (there are three!) when I saw that the first ripe raspberry was ripped partway, and was hanging there by the barest thread. So, without noticing that my fingers had bits of soil, I plucked it off and put it in my mouth.


It had the barest taste of sweetness with no hint of sourness. The perfect raspberry, my friend says.

Afraid that the other ripe fruit would suffer the same fate, I ate it too. 😛 Sorry, no pictures. LOL.

But, I’ve separated one sucker from the mother plant, and am waiting for the other two suckers to grow up quickly. This plant seems pretty prolific. No wonder the raspberry is treated like a bramble-weed in some countries.

The oldest raspberry sucker

Tap root and feeder roots

The thorns. At this young age, they're bristly and soft instead of hard and thorny

The potted-up sucker

(Misc.) Reddening raspberry fruits


Some raspberry fruits are turning redder by the day! =3

(Misc.) Raspberry


Oh man. My raspberry plant just sent out a sucker today! =3

It’s still quite small, but…*crosses fingers* I hope it grows larger ASAP!

I’m going to be doing stem cuttings tomorrow to try to root it. =)

(Misc.) Raspberry


Just happy to share about seven to ten fruits forming on my raspberry plant. =3

Raspberry 'Heritage'

(Photography) Raspberry


Okay, this is a bit of a bad photography, but I’m too excited that my raspberry plant has flowered and some of the flowers have formed into tiny berries that I’m going what the heck and just posting these up anyway. =3




Dried flowers and some still green

The whole plant (I just upsized its pot)